‘Us five’

This post is about me, Jen, and the life that I share with my husband and our three wonderful (who am I kidding) children.

So I am a stay at home mum to two girls and a boy. You could say I have four children if you count my husband too! My son starts school in September and my eldest daughter is going in to her final year in primary school (which I am so not ready for) but that’s for a different post.

I decided to recently start this blog, as it is something that I have been wanting to do for a while but not had the guts to start. My Pinterest likes and pins are full of blogging prompts, tips and how to start one from scratch. I love to write, hence why I am currently studying for an English degree so I gave myself a kick up the bum and thought just do it Jen!

In this blog you will expect to find an insight in to our daily lives, the things that we like to do as a family, a bit more about me and the things that I love (or maybe don’t), holidays, because who doesn’t love a holiday, and also some general lifestyle posts.

I could go on but then I would be rambling and would end up giving you all my content in one post and I am pretty sure that is not what a blog is about!

If you have read this far, then thank you! And I would love to hear from people who have similar interests or thoughts on my posts. If you have any questions then please feel free to contact me via email at lifewithusfive@outlook.com

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