Meet my family

‘I sustain myself with the love of my family’ – Maya Angelou

My family are my whole world, my everything. In this post I am going to let you meet some of the wonderful people that I am so lucky to have in my life. Lets start with my hubby and children:

My tribe

I have been married to my husband Dan for seven years in December. We had been together a long time before we decided to get hitched, 15 years this year! Wowzers! He started his own construction company in 2004 so works six long days a week. He is always busy, he can never sit still. When he’s not working on site he is usually doing the paperwork side of the business or at the pub! I am super proud of him for building his company up from scratch, even though sometimes it seems like we hardly see him. I know he does it all for us so that we can have a nice life.

Now the children. My eldest daughter Amelia is 10. Gosh writing that makes me feel old! She goes in to year 6 in September, so we will have the task of looking around local high schools soon, eek. Out of the three of our children Amelia is the quietest and most shy. Having said that she is getting more confident around people that she doesn’t know. She is a typical girly girl who enjoys going to her dance class every week but she also does football. Since the women’s world cup she has grown to love football even more and I think that it is great that more and more things are geared towards girls doing sports and not just the boys!

Then you have Imogen. Imogen is eight, going on bloody 18! She cant wait to be older and go out ‘dancing and drink beer’ as she says. Even though she comes across as being confident when she’s with people that she knows, she is also really quite a sensitive little girl. She has so much energy and is never bloody still. Her dance teacher calls her a ‘pocket rocket’! She too does dance every week with her sister and absolutely loves it. They perform in front of 1000 people every year for the end of year show. There are so many after school activities for them to do and Imogen chose to do gymnastics as this ties in with some of the dance that they do. She has only been doing for a term but absolutely loves it, that much we got her a beam for her birthday.

Now Finley, or my number 1 boy as I call him. Not because he is the number one out of them all but because he literally is my number 1 boy. He quite literally melts my heart. I’m not sure if it is because he is a mummy’s boy or if its because he’s the youngest. He starts school in September and I am really going to miss him and our days that we used to have together whilst the girls were at school. He is such a happy, smiley boy. When he starts school I am going to look at a football club for him to do every week. He absolutely loves football and has a great shot, which is obvious if you look at our garden fence!

Then there’s my mum, my sister, brother and my grandpa. My mum lives 10 minutes from me and I see her nearly every day unless she is working. She is a nurse so works varies shifts. She is definitely my best friend. My sister lives about an hour and half away and we try and see each other as much as we can which can be hard with both our lives being busy. My grandpa lives near my sister so when we visit we always go and see him. He is 88 and is always doing something, be it meeting his friends or going on cruises and meeting ‘lady friends’. Then there is my brother, he lives in Australia with his family so I don’t see him as much as I would like. We do Facetime a few times a month and we are going to visit him in September which we are so excited about. I will do a post about our trip when we get back!

My wonderful dad

There are the people who aren’t here anymore too that I think about every single day. My dad and my nanna. My dad died 16 years ago and my nanna 15 years ago. They were the hardest times of my life. But I will do a post on that in the next few weeks. I miss them each and every single day and love them with all my heart.

So that’s my family. I have lots of extended family such as aunts, uncles and cousins. I also have the family that I married in to. But it would be too much to list everyone! As I said above they are my whole world. Everyone has a place in my heart and I love them all dearly.

Thank you again for reading. I welcome all of the feedback that I get and any questions are greatly accepted.

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