First post! What’s always in my trolley

So this is the first actual post on my new blog. Barring my ‘just us’ post. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. I am aiming to post every Wednesday and every Friday. But there may be weeks that I can add an extra post on a weekend. With it being the summer holidays and the children having a whole six weeks off I may have more opportunity and more content to upload due to doing more things. Subscribe below if you want to get notified when I post new updates.

I thought that I would make this post about what is always in my trolley. And what a better time to do it as I have been food shopping this weekend. My trolley varies most weeks, especially when I have the hubby or the kids with me! But there are still things that I buy the same of every week. This week and for the next six weeks is going to be slightly different due to the holidays but there will still be some of the same things in. I have started just this past month shopping at Aldi or lidl, this is to enable me to keep my budget down and they are both close to where I live.

The list

Lets start with what my youngest daughter would say is the essential on the list. Crisps. Walkers, hula hoops, Jacobs or supermarket own brand she really isn’t fussy. She is an absolute crisp monster, and will eat every kind of crisp going. We buy on average 25 packets of crisps a week (I know right!). These are for pack ups and for snacks after school and a weekend. My daughter has even been known to have a packet for breakfast. I mean, I’m not arguing with an 8 year old at 7.30 in the morning, and I’m sure there are others out there that have done the same. We just don’t like to admit it whilst talking to other mums in the playground. Or, maybe it is just me?!

Our crisp collection

I’m getting all the ‘bad’ things out of the way first! The next on the list is biscuits. We have the same biscuits each week called Oaties. These are aldi/lidl own brand of the multi dip hobnob. The kids love them and a bonus is that they can take one in their pack up as they aren’t chocolate. I love them dipped in to a cup of ice cold milk, mmm. As an actual biscuit for the biscuit barrell they are the only ones that we buy. We do buy the equivalent of penguin bars and kit kats for my husband to take to work. A few packs of these keep him going all week. He really should take some fruit to work, but I cant see that happening any time soon!

We buy alot of fruit and veg a week, most of which varies each week due to what meals we have planned. Yet there are always bananas and pink lady apples on the list. My little boy loves his apples and is just starting to like other fruits. Lets just say he is a creature of habit like his dad. These two are easy enough to just bung in my bag for a quick snack on the move and ideal for the kids pack ups. Oh and donut peaches! My fav, yummy.

I always always have tinned tomatoes and beans on the list. I remember once, quite a few years ago when there was just me and husband, counting more than ten tins of tomatoes. And when my husband saw my list he started laughing that there were more tomatoes on it! Since then I have been pretty good and do only get what we need. They are a staple in our house as I like pasta mixed with a tin of chopped tomatoes and some veg and bacon for a quick and easy lunch. They are also the base for when we have chilli and spag bol, which we tend to have once a week. Beans are again another staple, chicken nuggets and chips, beans on toast, fry up, jacket spud, the list goes on.

Left over of the pasta that I bulk bought at my local cash and carry

We buy pasta each week, be it spaghetti or some sort of shape as I mentioned above as we have spag bol every week. Or pasta bolognaise in my husbands case as he doesn’t like spaghetti, its too messy apparently. That’s the best bit for me though, twiddling it around my fork and then seeing how fast me and the kids can suck it at the end.

Lets talk about yogurts. How many of them are they! Tubes, pouches, pots then there are chocolate ones, normal ones, split pot ones, low fat the list is endless. We have a variety in our fridge. We have the tubes or pouches for pack ups as they fit in the lunch boxes nice and easy, my youngest daughter likes to put the tubes in the fridge and make frozen yogurt with them. Then we have the cheap and cheerful ones that are handy to have in the fridge for after tea. Occassionally we have chcolate ones like pots of joy and split pot ones with balls or flakes of some sort. These are what we have as treat yogurts. I have the fat free ones, such as muller or aldi or lidls own brand of these, I don’t eat yogurts that much but handy to have for if I want something sweet on an evening. We also have plain 0% fat yogurt to have with fruit or to make overnight oats with.

Now on to some other basic fridge bits and pieces. There is always ham, cheese and jam. These are the staples for the kids pack ups. They all like different things in their sandwiches, eldest likes ham, middle one likes cheese and youngest likes jam. We usually buy two lots of ham, one wafer thin and one other that my husband has in his sandwiches. Ham is also great for if the kids want to make their own pizzas. As is cheese. My youngest daughter loves cheese and would eat it by the block if she was allowed. Then we move on to the jam. My son absolutely loves it! Ask him what he wants for his lunch and he replies, ‘jam sandwich and crisps’. That is probably all he has had to eat for three days a week for the past two years at playschool!

Half eaten oaties!

So they are the main things that are in my trolley each week. I think the majority of it will probably be the same as most families. Again as always, thank you for reading if you got to the bottom, I really do appreciate it. If you have any questions then please get in touch with me.

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